Confused About Nutrition? You're Not Alone

Why is “eat better” the best advice you can get – as well as the worst?  Most of us do not know quite what that means.  If you’re confused about nutrition, you’re not the only one. Most Americans Not “Well-Informed” About Diet A recent survey conducted by the American Heart Association found that there is a great deal of confusion concerning diet. What does this mean? Here’s an example: most people, 75 percent, thought drinking red wine is good for the heart.  But only 30 percent knew the recommended limits, which are one glass a day for women and two for men. We tend to see part of the message instead of all of it, like when we see all-natural sea salt.  This has to be better for us than regular table salt, right?  Nope. It’s really not. While the AHA’s survey results discussed red wine and salt in depth, there are other areas in which we see nutrition confusion.

  • Which is better: whole fat yogurt or low fat yogurt?
  • If you’re trying to lose weight, should you buy “diet” or “lite” foods?
  • Should you cut all carbs?
  • Can you eat whole wheat pasta even though it has a relatively high carb load?
  • Which fats should we include in our diets?  And how much?
  • Olive oil is good – but how much?

There is so much information, and much of it is conflicting.  It can be hard to “eat better” because what does that really mean?  The simple truth is that you can’t go wrong with whole foods.  Fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains…there are endless combinations that are delicious, nutritious, and “better.” One of our favorite combinations is the Enlightened Pumpkinseed.  Packed with L-tryptophan for positive mood, hem for brain health, amino acids for strong muscles, and sunflower seed butter for power and energy.  There’s no confusion here, just whole nutrition that powers the mind and body.  Our vegan bars make it easy to eat right.