5 Reasons Why Your Body Will Love Chia

While chia seeds (pronounced chee-ah) might be a pretty common food item these days, many people still haven’t embraced the benefits of this tiny, powerful superfood. So why do you need to add chia to your shopping list? Studies into the health benefits of chia showed remarkable results by increasing energy, stabilizing blood sugar, helping with digestion and reducing cholesterol. The little seed has a host of nutritional benefits, as well, making a good case for adding chia to your daily diet. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Help with Diabetes

For those managing Type II Diabetes, chia can help control blood sugar levels. By slowing digestion, chia can help your body receive more consistent nutrients from your meals, so you avoid sugar spikes and crashes.

2. Major Fiber

Modern diets are low in fiber (we tend to only get ½ as much fiber as we need), adding fiber back into your diet can help control cravings and lead to a healthier digestive system. Just 28 grams of chia seeds contains a whopping 11 grams of fiber – that’s a third of your fiber in just a few tablespoons added to your meal, cereal, or smoothie.

3. Rich in Omega-3

Just one ounce of chia seeds is full of omega-3 fatty acids, five whole grams worth! Enriching your body with omega-3 has a host of benefits – including boosting brain health and helping your heart.

4. Calcium, Manganese, and Phosphorus

Plant-based diets are a great bet for a healthy body, and you can get just as much of the vital vitamins and nutrients your need, particularly if you include chia. One serving of chia seeds includes 18 percent of your daily calcium requirement of calcium, 30 percent manganese, and 27 percent of phosphorus for healthy bones and teeth, cells, and tissues.

5. Great Source of Protein

Again, chia seeds come to the rescue for plant-based eaters looking for more protein in their diets. A single serving of chia seeds provides 4.4 grams of protein and contains no cholesterol, so your heart can embrace chia while your body uses the protein to repair itself.

Easy to Add

Chia can be added to nearly any type of meal since it’s tasteless you likely won’t even notice. Oatmeal and smoothies are prime candidates, but so are baked goods. You simply use chia as an egg substitute – when chia is added to a liquid it forms a gelatinous mixture similar to that of an egg and will help bind your muffin, cake or other batter.

Try it For Yourself!

Here’s a simple-to-prepare delicious chia pudding recipe. Make this the night before and it will be ready to eat in the morning – perfect for busy mornings.

Chia Pudding

From The 22-Day Revolution


-½ cup chia seeds

-2 cups almond milk

-1 tsp. ground cinnamon

-1 tsp. Madagascar vanilla extract

-1 tbsp. maple syrup


-Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend for 1 minute. 

-Place mixture into 2 mason jar(s) with a lid and refrigerate overnight.

-When ready to serve, stir well and spoon into bowl.

-Top with your favorite fruit, nuts and/or seeds.

This recipe makes 2 servings. Enjoy!

Plant-Protein Powder

At 22 Days Nutrition, we love the powerful benefits of chia so much that it’s an important ingredient in our Plant-Protein Powder. Along with pea protein and sacha inchi seed, these 3 powerhouse ingredients deliver 16g of organic, plant-based protein in just one serving. It’s available in Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry and Natural so you’ll find a protein powder that is perfect for you! Learn more about Plant-Protein Powder >

Embrace chia seeds and get a host of great health benefits for just a little effort!

Photo: Chia pudding blended with berries and topped with fresh berries