Holiday Survival Guide For Vegans
The time for office holiday parties, potlucks, and family gatherings is upon us. With that comes the temptation to bypass any healthy commitments you may have made. Don’t! We can help you have a great holiday season, without compromising your resolutions to eat healthily. Here are some simple tips:
Tip #1: Eat First
On the day of a holiday event, eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. A great take-to-work lunch is a hearty salad in a mason jar. Before heading out to the event, have a light and nutritious snack. Not only will this help you keep from overindulging, if you start the evening out with a healthy snack you won’t feel guilty if you have a bit of dessert.
Tip #2: Cut Back On Simple Carbs
Many holiday meals are heavy on simple carbs (mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing, casseroles, cookies, etc.), which can quickly turn into holiday weight gain. You don’t have to completely eschew the simple carbs, but being aware of which foods are light on nutrition (but heavy on calories) and substituting when possible can help cut out extra calories. For example, opt for a baked sweet potato instead of mashed potatoes. Or add more veggies to your plate instead of a serving of stuffing.
Tip #3: Easy on Beverages
One of the things that will certainly sneak on the pounds is holiday beverages. Whether some rum and eggnog or a family-friendly punch, engaging in too much holiday celebrating won’t help the bottom line come New Year’s Day, so choose carefully. Some sparkling water and a dash of fresh juice is just as festive, without ruining your healthy living goals.
Tip #4: Aim for Non-Food Events
If food is your kryptonite, then you might want to try to avoid food-centric events or plan your own. Craft parties, paint nights, game/trivia nights, are all great ways to celebrate the holidays, without the buffet.
Tip #5: Bring a Dish
If you know you’re going to eat, then plan ahead by bringing something that you’ll like and that’s healthy. Fresh veggies and hummus are a good bet, but if you worry about your sweet tooth bringing you down you can prepare a plant-based dessert. Find delicious recipes in The 22-Day Revolution Cookbook.
Tip #6: Nibble your Nosh
Overeating is another hallmark of the holiday season, but you can head this off with a few pointers. First, pick only your favorite foods. Avoid going back for seconds (you’re probably full after the first, anyways). And try to aim for fruits, veggies, and salads.
Tip #7: Stay Active!
Outside of holiday gatherings, keep to your routine. That means you shouldn’t skip workouts if you can help it. Keep moving, embrace some winter activities, build a snowman. Being active means you’re spending less time snacking, as well as burning some extra calories for your next event.
The holiday season should be fun and full of friends and laughter – but that doesn’t have to go hand-in-hand with ruining your commitment to healthy eating. Follow these tips and you can’t go wrong!