Simple Steps To Get Ahead In 2020
Going back to (virtual) school and work in 2020 will certainly be different for most of us. Here are some ways to prepare yourself to avoid stress and be more efficient with our time and energy so you can crush your 2020 goals! Yes, there is still time!
- Snacks: Most of the things we enjoy doing life, we accompany with snacks. There's something about that association that really excites the brain and we feel can be applied to the workday in order to bring more pleasure to what can sometimes seem mundane. We certainly do not recommend messy foods or alcoholic beverages, but easy to eat snacks and flavorful drinks can be great tools used to help you stay focused
- Priority Lists & Sticky Notes: With the mass amount of applications for making a to-do list, you may find this completely unnecessary, but we couldn't recommend this more. There is something about making a list and scratching out each task as they are completed that is so much more fulfilling than doing it digitally. The feeling of accomplishing goals highlights progress throughout the day and always feels wonderful!
- Immunity: Whether in times of pandemic, travel, working, or stress, it is always important to support your bodies first line of defense.
- Smoothies: With a new perspective on how you can optimize daily smoothies to fulfill your goals and enhance your body's basic functions, the more manageable life becomes. We can stress less about getting temporarily sidetracked from our goals because we know we have easy, applicable solutions waiting for us at home.
- High Protein Chocolate Smoothie: This protein smoothie for breakfast is easy to make and hits in the spot. This one uses our tasty chocolate flavored protein!

- Meal Prep: The benefits of Meal Prepping are endless! By planning out your meals ahead of time you are conscious of what you're putting into your body and it allows you to make healthier choices ahead of time ;). There are many platforms, such as our Meal Planner, that allow you to meal prep smarter!
- Black Bean Breakfast Burrito: Who doesn’t love a good plant-based breakfast burrito in the morning? This burrito is very filling, which is ideal for those who love a larger meal for breakfast rather than a small snack.

- 22 Days Overnight Oat Granola Parfait: This crunchy parfait is easy to make overnight, so you don’t have to worry about making breakfast. It’s another protein-packed recipe that’s light and easy to make the night before a busy day.

- Add Greater Nutritional Value To Everyday Meals & Snacks: We want to show you how to fool even the most stubborn of adult tastebuds by loading your everyday favorite meals and snacks with far more nutrients than they would typically have.
By keeping your goals a) realistic and b) measurable you can use your results to motivate you further towards your final goal. For example, if you want to eat more plant-based meals, perhaps your goal is to eat at least one plant-based meal per day for the next month.
To achieve your resolutions, you need to put them in the forefront. This might mean moving some other priorities down the list, getting up a bit earlier, or reducing the time you spend on other, less important things. However, you can also help yourself make time by finding ways to save time – such as cooking large batches of healthy food, working out while the kids are at their activities, splitting up tasks to fit into your busy schedule, etc. Remember, this is about your health and well-being!