Jasmine Rice Nutrition 101: Is It Healthy?

There are over 40,000 different varieties of rice known to exist. Jasmine rice has become a cooking cornerstone, right next to its famous relatives, white rice, brown rice, and wild rice. So what would make a person choose one over the other, and are there any greater health benefits to one in particular? 

Jasmine Rice Nutrition Facts

According to the USDA, a cup of cooked brown jasmine rice contains:

  • 238 calories
  • 5 g protein
  • 2 g fat
  • 50 g carbohydrates
  • 3 g fiber
  • 76 mg magnesium
  • 199 mg phosphorus
  • 168 mg potassium
  • 394 mg sodium
  • 2 mg of zinc
  • 11 mcg selenium

One cup of jasmine brown rice contains 88 percent of the recommended daily value of Manganese. It also aids in the body's synthesis of fatty acids, which helps promote a healthy central nervous system and cholesterol levels.


Jasmine rice has not been around for as long as you might expect. This specific variety of rice was bred in Thailand in the 1950s—it’s first mass seed distribution to Thai farmers wasn’t until 1959. It caught on quickly with consumers thanks to its aromatic fragrance and superior cooking qualities. Today, it’s mass-distributed throughout the world. 

Is Jasmine Rice Healthy?

If you opt for brown jasmine rice as opposed to white jasmine rice, you keep the valuable fibers, minerals, and essential oils that are typically lost in the hulling process of white rice. 

For those who wish to consume smaller portions, eating foods higher in fiber will aid in feeling satiated more quickly than foods lower in fiber, and as a result, fewer calories are consumed. 

In 2014, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that stated that whole grain intake is linked to weight loss and that three servings of whole-grain foods a day can aid in the reduction of belly fat.

Nutritional Jasmine Rice Recipes

Want some recipe ideas for cooking this delicious grain? Here are some of our favorites: 

Bottom Line

We highly recommend trying brown jasmine rice with your next meal. The sweet flavor and aroma makes for a great substitute in any recipe that calls for white rice. Plus, jasmine rice nutrition will surprise you! 

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